MySQL Database Administration

MySQL Database Administration

Durasi : 3 hari


Training ini ditujukan agar peserta mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjadi MySQL database administrator, materinya mencakup bagian-bagian penting berkaitan dengan manajemen database diantaranya adalah memahami arsitektur database MySQL, manajemen tabel, manajemen index, optimasi query dan melakukan backup dan recovery.
Training MySQL Administrator merupakan kombinasi antara praktek (hands-on exercise) dan pemaparan materi (presentasi)

Untuk memaksimalkan penyerapan materi training, peserta sebaiknya sudah memahami perintah dasar SQL (structure Query Language)

Tinjauan Materi:

• Introduction
• MySQL Architecture
• Installing & configuring MySQL
• Understanding & using MySQL client software
• Understanding MySQL Storage
o Choosing a storage engine
• Managing MySQL Configuration
• MySQL Server Security
o MySQL security-related configuration
o Understanding the MySQL privilege system
o Managing users in MySQL
o Installing & using OpenSSL
• Optimizing Queries
o Using Explain to analyze queries
o Optimizing Indexes
o Optimizing updates
• Understanding and using FULLTEXT indexes
• Understanding MyISAM Tables
o MyISAM storage engine features
o MyISAM table locking mechanisms
o MyISAM table relocation
o Backup up & restoring MyISAM tables
• Understanding & managing InnoDB Tables
o Managing InnoDB tablespaces
o Configuring InnoDB buffers and logs
o Utilizing multiple InnoDB tablespace
o Using Raw devices for InnoDB tablespaces
o Determining InnoDB engine status
o InnoDB table restrictions
• Table Backup & Maintenance
o Using myisamcheck and mysqlcheck to perform table maintenance.
o Using mysqldump to perform server backups
o Performing MyISAM file-level backups
o Performing InooDB tablespace backups
o Using & managing MySQL binary logs
o Other backup methods
• Using Advanced MySQL Server Features
o Measuring & managing server load
o Understanding the MySQL query cache
o Performance tuning the MyISAM engine
o Performance tuning the InnoDB engine

Phone: (022) 4221130
Fax: (022) 4235692
Jl. Lengkong Kecil No. 73, Gedung Labora Lantai 2, Paledang, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40261